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flocon de neige

Frost alerts and visits

The fight against frost is one of the pillars of ACMG's activities. The Midle Garonne Climatological Association has recognized expertise in forecasting frost, advising on passive and active combats against crop frost, the tools available to fruit producers and winegrowers to anticipate this risk and reduce vulnerability. The experts at ACMG help you better understand the physical phenomena of frost formation and how to contain them to prevent crop freezing. On request, ACMG carries out technical visits and offers theoretical and practical training.


Spring frost

warning system

  • Personalized alert in real time

  • Monitoring from local measurements and forecast




  • Technical study

  • Personalized vulnerability diagnosis

  • Solution proposals

flocon de neige

Visite conseil gel

  • Étude technique

  • Diagnostic personnalisé de vulnérabilités

  • Propositions de solutions

Spring warning system

Ancre 1

A spring frost alert service is offered to all our members.

Our meteorological stations make it possible to monitor the main production basins in Moyen-Garonne. Weather data is transmitted every ten minutes to ensure accuracy and safety. The tool combines this real-time forecast with a temperature drop model developed by ACMG.

An alarm system personalized according to the alert thresholds chosen is available by email, SMS or voice message.

Weather station


This service is available in three phases :


  • Pre-alert: advice provided through agro-meteorological bulletins (sent by e-mail every Monday and Thursday) and daily bulletins available around 9:00 a.m. (10:30 a.m. on Saturday) on the telephone kiosk (+33 8 92 68 47 82 - 0.80 € / min)

  • Calibration phase: choice of the most representative stations in your sector (21 available in 2020)

  • Active phase: setting alert thresholds according to the phenological stages observed, the sensitivity threshold and the means of control

Ancre 2

Personalized training


​The ACMG offers training for farmers and cooperatives to understand the phenomenon of frost and put in place means of control adapted to the specificities of the plots.

Apple blossoms under the ice

Understanding the phenomenon of freezing :


  • Different types of jellies

  • Climatic conditions favoring it

  • Learn to read plots to recognize future impacted areas

Frost protection :


  •  Impacts on different cultures

  • Impacts by stage of development

  • Means of struggle (active and passive)

Ancre 3

Frost advisory visit


Visit of an orchard in Corrèze (France)

In order to prevent the risk of frost as much as possible, the ACMG advises farmers during field visits to target risk areas within the plots, propose developments according to the characteristics of the plot and share technical solutions.

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