ACMG: Adapting to climate change

The ACMG (Association Climatologique de la Moyenne-Garonne et du Sud-Ouest) supports stakeholders in adapting to climate change whether they are rural, peri-urban, industrial or urban.
Since its creation in 1959, the ACMG has been involved in the fight against climatic hazards including frost and hail.
The association is managed by administrators from the rural world, mainly from Lot-et-Garonne, Tarn-et-Garonne, Gers and Gironde. They support a multidisciplinary scientific and technical team that provides concrete solutions to farmers, land managers, businesses and researchers in the field of adaptation to climate change.
Applied research carried out at ACMG has enabled the development of services:
- For Agriculture: Agro-meteorological forecasts, Climate studies, Irrigation advice, Frost alerts and visits, Hedges and biodiversity studies.
- For territories and climate: Climate and prospectives, Adapt the city, Risks: water and soil, Socio-economic studies.
" Alongside farmers and local decision-makers to support projects from analysis to solution "
In order to broaden its knowledge in the management of climatic hazards, ACMG directs and participates in European research and development projects in the fields of Climate Change, Agronomy and Remote Sensing, Water Management , Soil and Erosion, with a specialty in Sensors Development.
Since 2019, ACMG has been recognized as CRTT, Regional Center for Technology Transfer on Climate.
Do you want to support and participate in the actions of our association?
In order for the greatest number of users to benefit from the technical benefits of ACMG's applied research programs, the association created in 2003 a commercial subsidiary, Agralis Services.
Crédit: Septuors 47 - ACMG - Agralis